A review by ghostmomxoxo
Leech by Hiron Ennes


TW: sexual assault, body horror

Leech was probably the most unique book I’ve read in a long time. I really struggled with the first 100 or so pages; I even thought at one point I might DNF it, but I’m super happy I pushed through.

This story was gross, creepy, and unsettling in all the best ways. The cast of characters felt like something out of a Gothic fairy tale, and I genuinely never had any idea what was going to happen next.

By far the strongest part of this book was the world building, and I could honestly read an entire series of books set in this universe. I’m left with so many questions. Who started the Institute? What apocalyptic event(s) sent the world as we know it into darkness, only for history to repeat itself completely? Is Satgarden even remotely as Simone remembers it, or will she return to find an entirely different landscape? What about the Naturalist compound? I legit want a book for each land that this book mentioned, for each side character.

I think Ennes’ did a really fantastic job of crafting a spooky gothic horror/sci-fi story, while also managing really exceptional commentary on colonialism, agency, classism, and humanity in general.

This book is definitely not going to be everyone’s vibe, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.