A review by b00kw0rms0fthew0rldunite
MIND GAME by Lselie Blckbrd

challenging slow-paced


I was very excited about reading this book as I love all things puzzling. I started to read and found that there were 3 main types, phrases that had vowels removed, jumbled up letters etc I did solve quite a few and thought it was an interesting mix of quotes from different people and by the author. I thought though. that with the hype of there being linguistic intrigue, a quest for the ultimate truth and facts traversing the expansive landscapes of psychology, that there might be a bit more to it than 495 pages of quotes in the three different styles. 

I like the authors sense of humour and wish him well. I wondered if, going by the puzzles of the book, his name may me Leslie Blackbird?

I thank the author and LibraryThing for the opportunity to read and review this title.