A review by shmadsie
Spider-Man/Deadpool #1 by Joe Kelly, Ed McGuinness


This was completely in-character, one-hundred-and-ten percent their voices and I am in love with it.

I have been eagerly awaiting a Deadpool/Spider-man series basically since Deadpool writers began playing keep-away with Spider-man (how long - and often - was he mentioned in Deadpool comics before they even actually met, how many times did we see Peter in background action only to have them never actually speak? TOO LONG AND TOO MANY TIMES, FRIENDS). I lived for their issue(s)-long team-ups while hoping against hope for something more long-term. This is the fulfillment of every damn fantasy right here. Though, calling it a fantasy - which it was, means there was real potential for the reality not to live up to it because when does it ever?

The answer, friends, is here and now. My anxiety over whether this would be everything I wanted it to be was quelled by the first page and stomped into nonexistence by the last.

Read it. Love it. Live it. As Wade himself says, it is "totes amay-may."