A review by creepepaper
Galerie mrtvých by Chris Carter


I was staying at an AirBnB when I saw the name "Chris Carter" sitting on the shelf. As far as I knew, Chris Carter created the X-Files and I was down to read this random book. As I got into it, I was completely hooked, but it didn't FEEL like X-Files. Sure enough, I did some research and he just happens to have the same name. Luckily, I was already obsessed and spilling over each page. Unfortunately, I had to leave my AirBnB before I finished the book. This book is not exactly an easy find, but I finally got ahold of a copy and started pouring over the pages again. I couldn't put it down.

I feel Robert Hunter is a little hard to relate to and he's almost OP, but he had little moments that brought him back down to Earth.