A review by emilyyjjean
Dead Boys by Gabriel Squailia


4 1/2

Normally my main problem with books is that the author takes a one book story and somehow manages to split it up into multiple books. This book is the opposite of that. There were a lot of different adventures and side quests, but each one was explained appropriately and everything fit into one novel!

At first I was really unsure about this book. I thought it was going to go on my DNF shelf, because I was having a hard time just reading 50 pages. But I will say that a little after 50 pages the story picked up and it really held my interest.

A lot of things happen, and I mean a lot. It's best to be really focused on what's happening, so you don't miss anything that's going on. One of the questions that I had when I first started reading was: Why is the Living Man so important? I think the question was beautifully answered at the end.

There's humor, drama, dead people, and a whole lot of action. I would definitely recommend this book! But maybe steer away if you're extremely squeamish.