A review by katiev
The Asking Price by Amanda Browning


HPs are my guilty pleasure. They're like junk food. Quick, yummy and temporarily satisfying, but not filling. My favorites are the revenge ones. This one, however, didn't do it for me. I think it's what the reader is looking for in these novels, because they are certainly very formulaic and we wouldn't continue to read if we didn't love the formula. However, this one was missing some ingredients I look for and need in the mix.

I like the H to fall in love first or at least at the same time as the h. He can fight it, he can be an amazing asshat, etc, but on some level the h is his Achilles heel. In this, she falls first and I'm embarrassed for her because he is coldly plotting to humiliate and crush her... even after they've started sleeping together and he realizes she's a virgin and cannot be the scheming man-eater he accused her of being, even after she confesses her love, even after he gets her to move in with him and spends all his time with her - HE STILL plans on crushing her after all that. He even lies to her and tells her he loves her during this time. And he later admits he did not love her at that time and was just using her. I'm sure some will say he did, but didn't realize it yet. Maybe? I suppose that by the time he started groveling and crawling, I no longer cared and I never could see why the h ever loved him to begin with. There was nothing he could do at that point to make me forgive and like him. The h should have trusted her first reaction to the betrayal, which was - this man cannot be trusted, she can never believe him when he says he loves her because he seemed so convincing when he was scheming. Her reasoning in the end was so jacked! When he asks if she's sure she forgives him, she says: "I realized I still loved you. Which I couldn't do if you weren't the man I thought you to be. And where I love, I trust."

Ummm... no. I have a family member who I love dearly, however she has addiction issues. By the h's reasoning, I should leave my purse where she can get into it. Because she has to be trustworthy if I love her, right? Pfft. There's just no arguing with that "logic".