A review by jaeravenclaw
Christmas Lites VI by Brett Talley, D. T. Dyllin, J.G. Faherty


Christmas....a time when a lot of emotions, feelings, hopes and dreams tend to collide together to make for a very interesting season sometimes. Everyone has a certain way that they believe Christmas or the holidays should go and Christmas Lites does a very good job of showing the different faces of the season, even when it's not so jolly. I was fortunate enough to have a copy of the book sent to me and I enjoyed it. Some of it is funny (The Christmas Criminal Hunt), some of it is dark (A Holly Jolly Christmas), a lot of it will pull at your heartstrings (Christmas Reaping, The Best Worst Christmas Ever), there is even a children's interlude which was a pleasant surprise in seeing young kids put their minds and imaginations to work. Christmas Lites runs the gamut of Christmas, what it can and what it does bring sometimes. Here's hoping that you, dear reader, remember the spirit of Christmas, that you know your pets are looking out of you, that sometimes the best gift is no gift at all and yes, magic still exists if you just let it happen.