A review by lizzillia
The Collector by Fiona Cummins


This book carries on where Rattle finished and the pace does not drop and it is going to be difficult to say too much without giving too much of the first book away to those of you who have not read it. Do! So, Detective Ella Fitzroy is haunted by the fact that Howley escaped and that Clara is still missing, events that have caused her personal life to disintegrate. She wants to find them both. Jakey was saved from Howley's clutches, but the man is forever in his dreams, as is the little girl who he talked to, who he believes is still alive. As for Howley, he is starting a new collection and he needs an apprentice.

Once again there is terror, danger and horror and you are never sure whether good will triumph. And once again, you just want to pick Jakey up and hold him close. A super, gripping read.