A review by meganamaral
Zero Hour by Bella Forrest


It has been a year, but I have finally finished up another series by Bella. Overall - not my favorite, but it was still good. I am not sure if it was the length, the story, or the subject matter, but I lost interest within the first couple of books, and because I am stubborn and cannot leave something unfinished, I had to finish. It was a little painful to get through, but I do admire Bella and how she ties everything up with a pretty bow. Other than that, I felt like the series was way too long, but at the same time I felt like nothing really happened, and the solution was very quick. I felt like the "oh shit" moments, such as finding out who the spy was, were very anti-climatic. It was hard trying to stay interested especially since there was a lot of moving to new locations in this drama. I do have to admit though the the romance between Jace and Robin saved this series as it was very simple yet passionate. You could always count of Jace to side with Robin with whatever she decided or when it mattered, he would somehow always show up to help her out with a mission - like a knock off Viggo Croft from Bella's other series, The Gender Game. Jace reminded me of Viggo a lot, yet...maybe it was because we got Viggo's POV also, so he seemed a lot more relatable and badass. I felt like there was something missing from Jace that made him personable, but be was still great and perfect cookie cutter boyfriend for Robin. Will I reread this series again? Probably not. Almost makes me want to reread the other book I talked about before.