A review by debi_g
Lillian Boxfish Takes a Walk by Kathleen Rooney


"I have blind spots, like anybody. My biggest one is myself: how people perceive me" (127).

"I have so little future left. And so much past" (196).

"Choice is an illusion promoted by the powerful" (214).

"People who command respect are never as widely known as people who command attention"(225).

"Burning a bridge, as any tactician will tell you, sometimes saves more than it costs" (233).

"Whenever 'everyone' is doing something, I seek to avoid it. But whenever someone tells me *not* to do something, that thing has a way of becoming the only thing I want to do" (257).

"Happiness and a love of fun are not coextensive, and their relationship may even be divergent. If one were happy, then one might stay in with a book, say, and not go out hunting for fun" (258).

"solvitur ambulando: It is solved by walking" (234).

"All my life, I have taken satisfaction in finishing things in order that I may experience a sense of achievement, regardless of whether the thing was really worth achieving" (33).

"A long walk through an unfamiliar neighborhood teaches me more about what's new and exciting than any number of hours of television can" (59).

"One could say I was 'loose,' but I never felt myself far from the tightest self-control" (75).

"Extending hospitality to all, even to the most cloddish, truly is the basis of civilization. the fact that the most cloddish, having nothing better to do, always show up and spoil the party for everyone else probably spells civilization's ultimate doom" (111).

"I never like to walk back the same way that I came if I can help it..." (188).

Though I find Lillian Boxfish quite quotable,
though I, too, am a perambulator,
though I love to walk a city
and will walk NYC in a couple of weeks,
though I admire wit and propriety,
though the author has her bona fides,
though I laud the feisty and sincere spirit of the heroine,
I am not a fan of this novel.