A review by circleofreadersdruid
Encounter by Brittany Luby, Michaela Goade


Michaela Goade is such a talented artist. I love every single one of her books, and Encounter is no exception. Truth be told, I only wanted to read it because of her art, the story was secondary. And then, I liked it. I really, really liked it. The way Brittany Luby points out the similarities between the two men, the way the animals react to their meeting and interest in each other, the way the sun is a friendly and caring being that nurtures its charges… Toward the middle, I began to think, “But this is wrong! This can’t be what happened at all.” And then I came to the authors note.  This is part of it:

“This peaceful encounter does not forgive Jacques Cartier for his violent actions. Instead, it reminds us that that violence is a choice. It also shows us that everyday people, like Sailor, can participate in systems that hurt others… it is vital to learn about where our food, water, and housing originate to ensure that we are not displacing others in serving ourselves.”