A review by yapha
The Shadow Thieves by Alexandra Ott


In this sequel to [b:Rules for Thieves|27424750|Rules for Thieves (Rules for Thieves, #1)|Alexandra Ott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1475918609s/27424750.jpg|47476147], Alli is out of prison and has gone to live with her new found brother Ronan. She is trying to make things works, but is unsure if her brother and his girlfriend really want her in their lives. To complicate matters, Beck shows up on her doorstep, telling her that her brother's life is in danger. There is a Shadow Guild trying to overthrow the king of the Thieves Guild and they've been recruiting Beck. Mead is already playing a double agent, and he suggests that Beck does too. Beck is fiercely loyal to the king, but agrees to go under cover, and he needs Alli's help. After Beck has saved her life, does she have any choice but to help him? And how can she protect both Beck and her brother from this dangerous new gang of thieves? The high stakes drama of this well plotted fantasy world will draw readers in and keep them wanting more. I hope this is not the end of Alli & Beck's story. Highly recommended for grades 4 & up. Must read [b:Rules for Thieves|27424750|Rules for Thieves (Rules for Thieves, #1)|Alexandra Ott|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1475918609s/27424750.jpg|47476147] first.

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