A review by strikingthirteen
Eye of the Crow by Shane Peacock, Maia Figueroa Evans, Bernat Cormand


I've never really given much look at any of the young Sherlock Holmes literature out there before. I think it's mostly because I enjoy the Holmes/Watson dynamic a little too much. Anyway this looked interesting, and it's written by a fellow Canadian. I really liked it. I liked the idea of Sherlock's parentage (though the constant references to him as "Jew-boy" really ticked me off even despite how racist England was at the time) as well as how he's pushed into being a reasoning machine by something so human. I'm really curious to see how his relationship with his father changes as a result of his mother's death. Two very rational men now living together, I assume, after the most important person in their lives is gone. I'm also curious to see if Irene Doyle makes another appearance. I wonder if this is Irene Adler, but she's American. Don't think I'll be happy if it does end up being her but we'll see. Nothing seems to hint that so far.

Anyway it was a very enjoyable book. I really didn't pay too much attention to the mystery because I was too busy looking at how believable young Sherlock was. Now that I buy him I am curious to see how the second book is!