A review by katkinney
How We Roll by Natasha Friend


THIS WAS AN AWESOME BOOK!!! What great representation. We have Quinn, who is just a kick-butt girl all around, basketball player and really cool big sister to younger brother Julius who loves facts and order and has autism. Last year at her old school, Quinn’s friends pretty much abandoned her when she lost her hair to alopecia. I love the way this book showed Quinn’s myriad reactions to this autoimmune disorder and the loss of her hair, her bravery, her decision to
Spoilergo bald at times and wear a wig at others
… it really took us through a spectrum of emotions.

I also loved Nick, athlete and artist, who is in a wheelchair after
Spoiler his legs were crushed in a snowmobile accident, and he had to have a double amputation.
It was a good contrast, I thought, because where Natasha pretty much rolls with the punches and is a beacon of positivity, Nick is in a darker place at times and needs support. Living with a serious disability, the latter is definitely a reality as well and I liked how the book didn’t shy away from that. Really great supporting characters, especially Quinn’s family. One of my favorite books of this year!

Please excuse typos/name misspellings. Entered on screen reader.