A review by khepiari
Legends of Halahala by Appupen


Well it's a silent-comic book so the only quote I could churn out from the engrossing artwork of this funny book. "Help" "Help" "Help

A collection of five stories; funny, bitter, mythical & definitely dark.

Tale One- Stupid's Arrow, a tale of love that sprouts between the Princess & Prince of two kingdoms. It's Romeo And Juliet gone topsy-turvy. Has water-colour effect and uses basic colours in pale tone

Tale Two- The Saga of Ghost Girl, part 2: Legacy, is a Batman story gone really freaky with monsters and I loved the use cross-dressing imagery! Sketched as if done with Charcoal, later when the boy grows up its done with yellow as base colour.

Tale Three- Oberian Dysphoria, a sweet love story between two really weird creatures, how they fall in love, get separated and the quest of purple creature's to get back to its yellow winged lover. (Just read!) pictured in vibrant colours & drawn television cartoon style.

Tale Four- 16917P's masterpiece, this was grim, it's a dome city, where no light enters and flesh-eating worms walk around. It's creepy, the artwork was darkest of all. It was like a re-rendition of Old Man And The Sea mixed with Myth of Sysiphus with a bag of dystopian literature at its core.

Tale Five- The Accordion Manoeuvre, it's a play on Hollywood Western Stories, a little girl prays to The Divine Lady Mayareh. The goddess grants her a Barbie doll body with two amazing breasts. She pledges her left breast to world peace, and the left tit rolls away, hence begins humanity's obsession with aka boobies. The colour theme was yellow with pen sketch.

I knew about Appupen, but never read his #books. In the comic festival I didn't get a slot for his workshop and when people were discussing his books in the seminar, that triggered me. I had to read him.

Man he is good, with hardly ten words printed, he presented a visual delight of Stories. Halahala is his fictional realm & apparently, the first book Moonward speaks of this very land. Since I don't know about art style much, all I can say his style is very thought provoking with great themes to back them.