A review by felinity
The Forever Engine by Frank Chadwick


Ideal for science (or SF) geeks who are into alternative history/time travel plots and who like realistic characters, with hidden depths (or shallows), flaws, heroic aspects and just plain normalcy. Each character has a past, a different way of speaking and thinking, and a different outlook. The main character reminds me a little of Harry Dresden (but only a little), probably because of his sense of humor. (I'm sure there's a properly descriptive phrase for that, but I can't think of it right now.)
SpoilerIt has the added bonus of an unusual villain, who is nonetheless well-suited to the role of Evil Genius.

This was the first book I'd read by Frank Chadwick, but I'm going to look for more now! I liked the little explanatory note at the end, explaining what was real and what was changed for the book.

Disclaimer: I received a free ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.