A review by tjr
The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction: 6 Steps to Writing and Publishing Your Bestseller! by Philip Athans, R.A. Salvatore


I have a soft spot for books on writing. There's something about reading how others describe the craft of writing that I find really appealing. Thankfully, after investing time and money into The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction I came away feeling that I learned something new and fresh.

The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction is a no-nonsense guide to writing in these two respective genres. Athans quickly gets to the point, and stays on point throughout the entire book. The one criticism I have is that I found, after finishing the book, is that I wanted more: more examples, more little exercises, more stuff.
My favourite sections were those on plot and character development. I made notes, and I now have a “master file” spreadsheet that I put together using information that I picked up from The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction. Using a spreadsheet is a great idea to keep track of notes and organize thoughts, and thankfully Athans points out this obvious detail in the book. It's a simple little detail, but one that can provide immeasurable return.

All in all The Guide to Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction is a good little book, and a welcome addition to the growing list of science fiction/fantasy writing guides. If you're in the market for something new on the topic, or if you are interested finding the perfect starting point to delve into the subject of writing sci-fi, then pick up this book.