A review by alyssacantread
The Words by Ashley Jade


Decent, but too long and each chapter seemed to be a formula or trope rather than a cohesive story with character building. This book is also well past my age demographic, but I love YA and middle grade and this book tried too hard to be enemies to lovers. It was just random fucking between two people that were attracted to each other rather than sexual tension.

Re: character building -- I feel like as the story went on, P got to be the wildly immature famous fuck boy rockstar and not grow up and Lennon got mature, but even more tolerant of the fuckboiness because of their history. P was very reminiscent of a male character in a Colleen Hoover book -- probably thinks getting pedicures is for girls and doesn't wash his sheets more than once every few months. Definitely has given partners BV and needs a hefty dose of therapy.

The book also could have been 200 pages rather than almost 700, which made it even more annoying as each chapter was just like .. person mad at other person.. person reasons with person.. tension.. someone walks in and interrupts things.

Like you had me hooked in the first half and then the random sister, the mom, the trip had me just like "CAN Y'ALL WRAP THIS UP" because I could have honestly had a v8.

Lennon seemed pretty cool but I wanted to just tell her to be mad about the situation she was in about her song and to buy a Hitachi. This could also be my not having tolerance for fuck shit when it comes to relationships or someone you're simply hooking up with, but that's just me.

It also heavily bugged me that L, in order to be 'pretty' had to lose weight and was just a doormat all around. She very much talked a big game, and one could sympathize with her wanting to help, but girl love yourself before you try to 'fix' some douchebag who'd literally do some late night HBO shit with another woman while you're in an adjacent room.

Frackin blergh.