A review by alyraves
What He Always Knew by Kandi Steiner


'WHAT HE ALWAYS KNEW' is the final book in the 'What He Doesn't Know' duet and what an ending.

As another review mentioned, this is a story about choices. It is an emotional read of love, choices and the impact choices can have. It's messy, frustrating, heart-felt, hard to read (at times) and yet thought provoking.

I had my favourite at the start... but by the end of the book I was unsure of who I was really cheering for. I was so caught up in the love triangle and the ups and downs of both loves that I quickly found myself attached to both men and I didn't want to read the heartbreak that would ultimately come with the final choice... I haven't been so nervous for an ending as I was through this, I second guessed it all, but in the end the choices were made and although the journey was a messy & emotional adventure, it was beautiful.

“It’s you,” I said. “It always has been, it always will be, and from this moment on, I will choose you. Every day, every minute, every second of my life.”