A review by mybooksarenovel
Light Bringer by Pierce Brown


How do you write a non-spoiler review for the sixth installment of such an epic powerhouse of a series such as this?

Just as the darkness of Dark Age truly showed the most vicious brutality of what war among the colors means, Ligh Bringer brought light and hope in the midst of that darkness. Those who were lost, and broken were restored and redeemed in small ways.

Though we know Cassius has been on a redemption arc through this second series, my favorite thing was having brought back into the fold. Everyone's older, but some things never changed.

As can be expected, don't hold any of your darlings to close, because inevitably they're going to be killed off. No one is safe, except for the Reaper who has proved he can resurrect. I'm not ok with what was done here.

Being the superfan that I am. This book was perfect, this series is perfect, everything perfect.

Thank you to Del Ray and Netgalley for a copy of this ARC for review.