A review by findingfiction_
Court of Lions, by Somaiya Daud


An intriguing sequel rich in culture.

I must say I completely forgot this book was not only fantasy, but also classified as science fiction. This is why this was just a good read and not amazing for me. I wish the science fiction element was more prevalent or the world building was done in a better way. It felt more so of an after thought.

I really enjoyed how Amani grew into her role. But then at times it felt like Maram was out of place and how her character grew seemed so out of the moment. By the end when she was dressed in gear that was made for a soldier it just seemed so out of place that this princess carved of stone, pampered her entire life all of a sudden was able to melt into the role of what essentially is a fighter.

It just seemed a bit disconnected at times, but still an overall intriguing read.