A review by nicolet2018
Reading Magic by Mem Fox


I volunteer as part of a reading programme that reads a selected book to children once a week and we do related activities with them. When I got this book as a gift, I was skeptical. Could reading aloud really make such a big impact on children? The volunteers and I struggled just to get the attention of the children most of them and we felt discouraged when we did not see much results.

It was interesting to recognize the author's name as I have heard one of her stories being told before. As volunteers, most of us are not trained to work with children, basically we have been learning as we went along.

As I read the chapters, I connected with the words so much that I had to book mark certain sections. I reflected on my experiences as a child, what my parents did and did not do and how this shaped me now. I was really surprised that it is recommended to read to children as early as possible. Even when they are in their mother's belly. The same way parents play music for the child in the mom's stomach.

I did like the chapter on Reading and Boys. I agreed that most mothers are the ones who read to their children and it would grestly benefit for fathers to join in. Not just to erase the notion that reading could be seen as a female activity but provides a chance to interact.

What also resonated with me was when the author said reading is more than just being able to read aloud. I always felt like I was not doing the children a favour when I read out to them when they were unsure how to carry on when we sat down with a book. I feared it would make them reliant and thus cause them to give up too easily.

I like that the book is easy to digest, does not sound preachy or naggy and gives examples and situations so I could put the words into context. I realize alot of what I thought was what people experienced and I did make errors. I am very eager to share this with the rest of the volunteers.

However when I tried to share this with others, I realize not everyone will see it as I do or feel as enthusiastic. That is okay and they do have a point. The book is written from one perspective. But I am still happy I was given this to read and I would love to share this with others.