A review by charlottesbookcorner
The Ringmaster's Daughter by Carly Schabowski


The Ringmasters Daughter was a must try for me,. I was absolutely taken by that cover and the description was so amazing I really had to contain my excitement when i started reading it. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher Bookouture for giving me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

The book starts set in Paris, 1940. Twenty-year-old Michel Bonnet idecides to become a refuge in WW2 d when the Nazis invade, Michel becomes a refuge on a train that belongs to Le Cirque Neumann- A travelling circus where not everything is as you expect.

Overall I enjoyed the plot and story, but I don't think this was what I was expecting when I picked up the book. I was prepared for romance and more of the circus, but the story was much more focused on the historical features of the time period. Its not a bad thing, just not what I was expecting. Overall the story flowed well and kept me engaged.

The world building was good. The main character Michel was developed well, as were the characters we meet as the story progressed.

This book shows the complexities and challenges that being in WW2 as someone with a secret or needing to run would have, but honestly I just wanted to read more about the circus and its characters.

If you are looking for a WW2 historical fiction book to sink your teeth into right now this is definitely something to give a try!