A review by mousegrey
Awk-weird by Avery Flynn


It’s one of my favourite books. Somewhere in the top five hundred, pretty sure it’s in the upper half of that too. Considering I’ve read a lot of amazing books and I’m not sure I could have a top hundred favourite books without changing my mind several dozen times, I’m calling that pretty good.
There is some angst, and I did cry a little, but it’s safe angst- not just because it’s romance and there’s a HEA, but because I’ve read it and I know it’s a satisfying HEA. I mean, there could have been a little more work on one or both sides, but at the same time, they’d both been working their own stuff out and figuring out what they wanted, so no convincing was necessary. And while there’s the much-despised could have been a shorter book if they’d just communicated better storyline… it’s not drawn out, there’s backstory to their issues (not just a brief explanation but it’s woven into the story and established before it comes to a head), and for the characters they are it makes sense. Besides, the only time I can be blunt and bold personally, are when I’m numbed out from too much emotion, or I honestly don’t care. And what kind of romance has people that don’t care? Best of all, they’re fun.