A review by peggyemi
Asking for Truffle by Dorothy St. James


This a difficult review to write. I knew there were some mixed reviews on this book before I started reading, but I liked the premise well enough to give it a try. I guess my biggest problem with this book was that I really didn't like Charity Penn, the main character. She is stand-offish, prickly and paranoid. One character in the book likened her to a porcupine and I think that was a very apt description. Because of these personality traits I found it difficult to warm up to Penn and like her character. There were some interesting secondary characters that helped to redeem the story. Also, I found it strange that Penn didn't start really start investigating her friends death until after she had been in town for 4 days. That seemed a little unrealistic to me.

The mystery was good. There were plenty of suspects to choose from with varying motives. However, in what was a surprise to me, I figured out the identity of the killer about 1/2 way through the book. For me, this person just stood out too much not to be the culprit.

I'm still on the fence as to whether I will continue with this series or not.

I received an advanced reader copy from the publisher through Netgalley.