A review by kylieeason
The Consequence of Falling by Claire Contreras


I wasn’t a fan of this book at all, and that’s quite disappointing. Claire Contreras is a phenomenal author, but I felt this book just lacked that pazzaz.

I pretty much hated Presley. I don’t necessarily have a good reason for you all, she just seemed to be a whiny ungrateful brat. I did warm up to her a bit towards the end, but I still kind of wanted to punch her.

That being said, I hated Nathaniel just as much, but respected the hell out of him. He worked incredibly hard, and that is always a trait I’ll admire, I just wish he would have gotten his head out of his ass sooner.

There’s a big emotional event that takes place towards the end of the book, and even though it wrecked me a little, it gave the book some genuine emotion, and really made me feel for the first time. That event saved this book, for me. But if I had a chance to go back, knowing what I know now, I’d be just as happy to leave this one unread.