A review by ljrinaldi
Streak of Chalk by Miguelanxo Prado


Perhaps it is the Spanish people, or perhaps it is just this author, but I do not like how the protagonist seems to think that he can just walk up to a woman and make her like him.

I mean, the first thing I thought, as I read this, was not, as the author probably wanted me to, that this was a dashing man, and a beautiful woman, and hey, they should get together, but rather that this was a sick pig, and that I would have acted the same way this woman did. She said she came to the island to write, and be alone, and what does he do? He sits next to her and wants to talk. Sheesh.

Yeah, there is a mystery, and possibly a murder, and all that, and I'm sure it is classical, but I don't like the protagonist, and it was hard to get over what a sexist jerk he was.

Beautifully done pictures, though.

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.