A review by blodeuedd
Mr. Hotshot CEO by Jackie Lau


This one was different. A romance, but with a big personal hurdle to get through. And one that was not magically solved by a p**n.

Courtney gets seriously depressed every 5th year, and in between that she is not free either. It is always there in some form, but she has learned to embrace everything good in life. Nothing better than really loving that latte you get every day.

Julien is a workaholic that will surely get a heart attack too soon if he keeps it up.

His family orders him to take a vacation and this is how he meets Courtney. He pays her to learn him to have fun. And of course they will fall in love. But he does not know about her depression, and she is not looking for something. Something that might fall apart and make her even more depressed. So depressed that it will push her over the edge.

Yes it dealt with some serious things and I liked that. Life and love is not always easy, but it is a romance, so they will make it work. But no one is magically cured. It does not work like that.

Two narrators that did a good job working together. I like it when they do it like that, you really get into their heads