A review by alexctelander
Princess of Light by Marie Bilodeau


We all react to different situations in different ways. The question is when we are tested to the extremes of our endurance, whether we will succeed or fail. In the genre of fantasy, readers find an escape in characters that defy the odds and triumph, often with magical powers. Marie Bilodeau has done just this with Princess of Light, the first book in the Heirs of a Broken Land series.

Princess Cassara Edoline always thought herself an ordinary princess, living in an ordinary kingdom, in an ordinary world. And that all changed when the Wall of Loss started to fail and the dark creatures entered her world. She fled with little more than a magical amulet, leaving a destroyed kingdom, a murdered family, and a brother now in the clutches of the invading hordes. But Edoline is learning things about herself, learning that she has powers within her she never knew about, powers that, with the magical amulet, can stop the evil flooding into her world. She will also use those powers to rescue her helpless brother. But first she needs to find out what is wrong with the Wall of Loss and see if she can fix it.

Princess of Light employs many of the tropes of your ordinary fantasy, and yet there’s a reason many fantasy fans eat up and read anything with a fantastical element; it’s the fantastical characters that face unbeatable odds and somehow are able to fight back. Edoline is one of those powerful female characters that readers will feel the thrill to read about in this first book of an interesting new series.

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