A review by qontfnns
The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin


spectacular! her world-building is unmatched and i have only mad respect for her ability to craft the whole discipline of cetian noble science. it's a given that we'll never see beyond the great filter unless we leap through that. but her creativity, seberapapun bacot dan hipotetis, would make us think that we've arrived there for a flash second. Le Guin's brilliant writing makes a perfect vehicle for yet a better substance, her critics and thoughts on socio-economic system and human nature. she conjured up and clashed two utopian worlds of different extremes. within the discourse, we'll see that what's ideal is not always milk and honey, and paradise for some is hell for others. it's very philosophical. most characters are thinkers. from the beginning to the end, we'll be bombarded by discussions and streams of consciousness. even so, they're not simply spokespersons of Le Guin's words. every single one of them is insufferably human, brimming with life, even the one who was introduced and died within a few pages. the first chapters are kind of hard to read because the distinct civilization form manifested in slightly unfamiliar syntax and lexicon. but after chapter 5, i could hardly put the book down. ah garelo pokonya, definitely a rereading material.