A review by supernatural116
Cold Memory by Leslie A. Kelly


I’ve been waiting so long for more releases in this series! I love the premise, investigators using their paranormal talents to catch murderers, finding love along the way. I read the first two books a long time ago and remember LOVING them, though I haven’t re-read them recently (something I’m definitely going to have to fix soon!). This newest installment was very good, though I feel like it was missing some depth. I would have enjoyed learning more about Mick’s uncles and seeing him interact with his co-workers. And it would have been fun to see more of Mick and Gypsy’s history and carnival life in general. But this book kept me entertained and guessing until the very end, with more than a few heart-wrenching moments thrown in as well, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for Derek and Julia!