A review by nightc0urt
Sisters of Shadow and Light by Sara B. Larson


This book quickly has become my new obsession and now I’m mad I let it sit on my shelves for the last few months! When I bought it, I knew it would be something I liked because of the synopsis but turned out to be so much more!

This book really surprised me because for the first few chapters, it sat on 3.5⭐️ which is a jump from the 5 it ultimately ended up receiving. It started off a bit slow for me and honestly throughout the book, there were some slow sections but I could tell it was building up to something and had me completely curious, so I started to devour this book.

I found this world really unique and I loved the Gryphon’s, you don’t see them too often in most ya fantasy books, and I loved them and now seriously need more of them in my life. The girls live in a manor that sounds splendid but also bleak, as their lives are very bleak but there are hints of magic contained in this manor that I loved— give this book a chance, it’s extremely magical and beautiful and I just love it.

The two main girls are hard to connect with at first and you’ll know why if you read this, especially with one of them but the further this story went on, the more I felt for them. Also, I think I have a new bookish boyfriend, I’m not naming any names or explaining but you’ll know him when you meet him! This book ended up having so many amazing character’s who I love and the only thing I’m sad about is how much later I met some of them, I feel like I had only a small window of time with some of my new favorite characters!

I CAN NOT wait for book two, but until then, I’ll be dreaming of my new guy and new magical world to love. Oh and also, there’s a plot twist that I seriously didn’t seem coming, need I say more?!