A review by ameserole
Reparation by Stylo Fantome


Reparation is the third installment of The Kane Trilogy. It still follows Tate and Jameson throughout their weird ass smutty romantic relationship.

In this, Tate isn't with Jameson anymore. Nope, she's not even in the same state! She is in Arizona with Nick, who is a professional baseball player that we met in the previous book. I also didn't mention him in that review but meh - deal with it. Okay, so Nick was meh to me. He was way too vanilla and I knew that Tate was using him to forget about Jameson. Little does anyone know.. she can't get over Jameson. Heck, even his exes couldn't! So of course it was highly predictable that they would end up back together in this book.

Jameson definitely grew in this book (at least to me) because he was starting to finally acknowledge his god damn feelings. It was like when the Grinch's heart grew in that Christmas movie.. about the Grinch. I was proud for him but also frustrated because it took him so long to realize that he's been in love with her for a really long time. Guys are stupid.

Then there's Tate, man I definitely had my issues with her. I don't accept or condone using someone else to get over an ex. She should've just communicated with him or asked for help - then things wouldn't have gotten so bad. I am glad that at the end they sort of talked but man, these two definitely need to work on communicating.

Other than those fools, man I still love my man Sandy! He is so sassy in his comments and I just always laughed or smiled when I read some of his parts. I loved him and he can be my prince charming any god damn day.

Overall, it was an okay book - better than the last one. However, it still frustrated and annoyed me.