A review by christinap
Escape: Children of the Holocaust by Allan Zullo


This book is non-fiction (and not historical fiction), and there are seven true stories of how people survived the Holocaust. Even though many of the historical fiction books I've read truthfully describe how life was for survivors, Allan Zullo does not gloss over anything!

Because this book goes into more detail than I am used to, I was only able to read one story a day. It's not because I felt that the book was horrible.....I read the book slowly because I found it disgusting that Hitler (and his followers) would treat people so badly just because they are different than him.

There was only one thing that I didn't understand....There were several survivors who said that while they were running away from the Nazis, they had to pretend to be Catholic instead of Jewish so that they (and the families hiding them) wouldn't be shot and killed. I thought for some reason that Hitler did not like people of the Catholic faith, even though Catholics didn't get persecuted like people of the Jewish faith did.

Definitely a recommended read. Allan goes above and beyond what most authors have done!