A review by par3
The Future Is Japanese by


3.25 Stars overall. The stories ranged from excellent to pretty bad. See below for mini reviews of each short story...

01. Mono no Aware: 5 Stars! So great and emotional and heroic! Just fantastic! Wish it was a full length novel.
02. The Sound of Breaking Up: 3.5 Stars. Good but probably didn’t grasp everything completely. Needed more elaboration.
03. Chitai Heiki Koronbīn: 4 Stars! Very good. Wanted the story to continue...
04. The Indifference Engine: 4.5 Stars! Fuuuuuuuuck! That was some crazy shit. Really makes you think.
05. The Sea of Trees: 2.5 Stars. It was alright. Not too bad. Not too great though either though. Also kind of weird.
06. Endoastronomy: 2 Stars. Not sure I really understood much of this one. It’s too deep for me.
07. In Plain Sight: 1 Star. I don’t even know what I just read. Didn’t understand the characters, the timeline, or the story. And I don’t believe there was any resolution.
08. Golden Bread: 4 Stars! Finally another really good story after a string of weak ones. While not epic, it was certainly enjoyable.
09. One Breath, One Stroke: 2.25 Stars. What the fuck was that? I don’t know. It was weird and hard to follow. But also surprisingly not as bad as some of the other stories.
10. Whale Meat: 3.75 Stars! It was good and probably would’ve been great if it were longer.
11. Mountain People, Ocean People: 4.5 Stars! I really loved this one. Very heartfelt and imaginative.
12. Goddess of Mercy: 3.5 Stars. It was very good and building up a lot of tension. And then it just kind of ended with no resolution.
13. Autogenic Dreaming: Interview with the Columns of Clouds: 1.5 Stars. Didn’t understand it at all. Went right over my head.