A review by tyrshand
The Red Locked Room by Tetsuya Ayukawa


Overall, I'd say this was a good collection. I kept brief notes on each story and it looks like I was delighted by many of the clever solutions. The only one that I didn't particularly enjoy was the title story -- which was also the final story in the book. So, after getting the great classic detective feel that I wanted throughout it all, we end on this sour note where the mystery was still clever, but the story was definitely of a time and more sexist (and other such things) than any of the other ones. My favorite stories were Whose Body (which I imagine they didn't want to use because of the Dorothy Sayers book) and Death in Early Spring (which I guess isn't as evocative a title). Plus there was a Blue Locked Room tale that goes well with the title but, come to think of it, was my second least favorite story...