A review by kayedacus
I Thee Wed by Amanda Quick


3.5 stars---4 stars for the story, 3 stars for the audio recording.

Audiobook read by Barbara Rosenblat. I had a lot of trouble with the prominent mouth noises and swallowing of the narrator---so much so that I checked the ebook out from the library and switched back & forth between the two when the audio started getting on my nerves too much. Fun story, though AQ has a tendency to let her setting/action get lost in the long passages of dialogue. While the dialogue is quite well-written, there are only minimal tags to let the reader know who is speaking---but not enough action, reaction, or introspection to ground the reader in the setting with the characters. Several times, I found myself scanning back to figure out how they'd gotten somewhere or even what they were doing. The "fated" attraction between Emma and Edison didn't work as well for me as people falling in love without supernatural assistance (if that's really what was being implied in the story with Emma's premonitions and "knowing" throughout). But it was definitely an entertaining read.