A review by talonvictoria
Elastic Hearts by Claire Contreras


Tension. Sex. Forbidden romance. Second chances. Mix all of that up and what do you have? The recipe for a perfect book! Well, in my opinion. I hardly ever have a complaint about Claire’s writing or her story lines and I loved the other two books in this standalone series tremendously. But, I did end up rating this book only 3 stars...

Here’s why: I think these characters have been drawn out long enough. I respect the fact that Claire wanted to finish out the series with the last set of characters but this book was almost strenuous to me; forced. Like she had to just find things for Oliver and Jensen and Mia to do. Just sticking them here and there and then POOF! Gone. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, and I have seen it happen with other books as well. I just think it’s best to let it all rest. I was happy this would be the last book.

Also: grammatical errors. I highlighted a bunch. But I can deal. It wasn’t a make or break for me

This book was the LESS angstiest of the series but Claire’s sexual tension and NON insta-love type of romance was well worth the read to me. The way she built Victor and Nicole up was well worth the thrill and the ride. I would catch myself holding my breath, just waiting for a piece, and then loooong exhale. But then when you get what you are looking for, your heart smiles. And you have a cheesy grin on your face.

Once again I scored with the secondary characters. I loved them. From the driver to Quinn to Talon (that’s right). I can’t stress enough how enjoyable these type of characters are for me so I was beyond thankful for the time put into them.

There was no real conflict. I mean there was but it was more so just a forbidden thing. I wont delve into details (in fear of spoiling) but there was not a true climatic part. Maybe a couple of GASPS here and there and some AWWS thrown in but that is about it.

All in all, it was an enjoyable read. Victor was hot. I am talking SPICY hot. Nicole was tolerable. She didn’t drive me to the brink of insanity (that’s always a plus). The story line was superb. I didn’t skim. I am just glad it’s over with. I look forward to reading what Claire can whip out next and move on to.