A review by xobooktrovert
Holding Hannah by Maren Smith


What the hell did I just read?

I fell down the dark, kink rabbit hole with this book. It was everything and nothing that I expected. Let me explain -

When I read the blurb, I just knew that I had to read this book. It has been awhile since I have read a kink romance novel, and I loved the concept of this book. I mean, two Doms trying to open a BDSM resort castle - need I say anymore!? Yeah, well I'm going to anyway.

Unfortunately, the blurb is pretty much the whole novella. I am going to spoil the only thing the description doesn't give away because I feel like it is important for the readers to know. Hannah is a cutter. And while she doesn't self-harm to harm herself, she does it because that is her kink. She doesn't realize it because everyone around her thinks she is sick. However, Master Sam knows how to help Hannah. And it was actually pretty intriguing.

The weirdest part of this whole book? It's a romance novel without sex. Yep, you read that right. While there are some sexy dominating times, they never do the deed. It actually leaves me pretty puzzled. The author builds and builds on this blood kink, but we never get to see Master Sam bring that kink to life for Hannah. I am disappointed because I was curious! I wanted to see how this whole kink works, but the author leaves me hanging. Not cool...

I can't say that I recommend this book, but I think I will continue the series. Something tells me the castle holds more interesting stories. *wink*