A review by minty
The Last Equation of Isaac Severy: A Novel in Clues by Nova Jacobs


Really this is 2.5 stars. I was SO into this book for about the first half--I was won over early on with mention of Ellen Raskin, and the math + mystery were right up my alley. But the story's plotting faltered toward the denouement, with some leaps that seemed a bit out of nowhere. In the end I was left a bit disappointed.

Also I agree with my friend Erin that there were too many characters to keep track of. I listened to the audiobook and was always guessing if someone was a cousin, aunt, or sibling to whoever else was in the scene.

SpoilerAnd how did she not possibly guess the meaning of the two dots with the same date and time? She solved the puzzle of the typewritten letter, which was complicated, but did not realize that one immediately!? It was so obvious!