A review by quirkycatsfatstacks
Spencer & Locke by David Pepose


Spencer & Locke is a graphic novel miniseries that you don’t want to miss out on. It follows Detective Locke and his ally – an imaginary panther named Spencer. This series takes elements that worked so wonderfully in Calvin & Hobbs, and it twists them into something darker and foreboding.
I wasn’t sure what to expect, when I started this. I knew I was interested – the concept alone caught my attention. But I don’t think I was prepared for what I got. It was dark and disturbing, but also brilliantly written.
I’m glad that they’re doing another miniseries involving these characters, because I honestly can’t get enough.

Warnings: There are a whole lot of uncomfortable subjects cover in the course of this relatively short series. But it all makes sense, and even fits. Especially given the twisted tale that is being told. There will be mentions of child abuse, sexual abuse, kidnapping, and murder. All of these tie into the heavier themes of the series, and go so much farther when combined together.
Spencer & Locke is a one of a kind series. It takes a concept that’s so peaceful and full of childhood memories…and then it twists it around into something dark and fascinating. It’s brilliantly done, and is truly an enthralling read.
There were times when I was surprised by just how dark this series got, and that was even after the first real shock in the series. So you’d think I’d have adjusted by then. But nope. The creative team behind Spencer & Locke knew exactly what they had to do in order to surprise us each time, and they did it flawlessly.
There was a lot I loved about this series. The darker tone was admittedly one of those reasons, but there was more as well. I was fascinated by Locke’s character and his investigative abilities…and his methods. It seems impossible that he would be able to keep on in that manner, but I imagine that will all catch up with him in time.
I also adored the justification for Spencer’s character. It made so much sense, especially when combined with all the glimpses into Locke’s past. It was beautiful and heartbreaking all at once. But especially so at the end.
I loved every minute of this series, and honestly can’t say how happy I am that the creative team has come back to these characters. My only regret is that I hadn’t given this series a chance sooner.

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