A review by mobyskine
Bitter by Bissme S


Broken heart, jealousy, grudge and revenge. Relationship that went numb. Storytellers that create their own ending. Family love to disaster and distrust.

All stories having the same feeling (well it's Bitter after all) but it was well presented. I love it all, honestly. Dark and gruesome. Lovable but with twisted and surprising ending, and it was like-- you thought you will be having a happy ending but wait until I stab you on your back-- kind of. My favorite-- The Story of My Life and Fingers. Fingers probably my most favorite-- I love all the girl's story from day 1 but the ending making me go, Whooa! That was madness!

This gonna be in my favorite shelf. The 'insanity' vibe was actually superb. I miraculously love it!

"Every great story must have a touch of cruelty and madness. A story without a touch of cruelty and madness is a story not worth telling."

ps: Avoid giving this to your mom!