A review by wannabekingpin
The Road to Unfreedom: Russia, Europe, America by Timothy Snyder


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About the Book: There is a saying “a spoonful of tar spoils a barrel of honey“. So goes for politics too. A single idea, perverted by some narrowminded madman, rightly presented, can spread through the nation, and then – start eroding at the borders of others, until it finds a way in, to wherever it’s easiest to reach the biggest masses. Such is propaganda when wielded like a sickle. Such is dictatorship when wielded like a hammer… And we’d be arrogant to think we couldn’t be tricked.

My Opinion: A chilling book. Author does great job at not praising any one nation, not zoning in onto anyone in particular. The blame is placed where it ought be, pointing fingers at enemies, those who knew what they were doing, and the fools who didn’t. Hopefully everyone reads this one and many others on the same topic. And then, hopefully we all can become more critical, more careful, and more caring of one another.