A review by novelesque_life
A Kiss to Remember by Teresa Medeiros



Sterling was sold to a paternal uncle in exchange for his parents keeping their home and him being the Duke's heir. This has left Sterling cutting off ties with his parents and living life a little carelessly. If Laura Fairleigh -like a mother to her orphaned young siblings- wants to keep her family sheltered she must marry by her 21st birthday - which is in a few weeks. The cottage will be deeded to Laura by Sterling's late mother that is unless Sterling can put a stop to it.
On his way to Arden cottage Sterling has an accident and loses his memory...Laura finding him does not know who he is and decides to have him marry her so she can keep the cottage. Will anyone come looking for the often vanishing Duke and can George and Lottie (Laura's siblings) talk her out of the marriage?

It is loosely based on Sleeping Beauty and I have to say I like it way better the traditional telling of the tale. I was not completely won over by Sterling and Laura but yet they worked together and the secondary story with Sterling's cousin, Diana and Thane was also amusing. A good read.