A review by lifeinthebooklane
Her Dark Legion by Pippa DaCosta


Discovery is worthless without the journey.

If you're wondering why this book took me so many days to read, it wasn't because I wasn't loving every heartbreaking and soul crushing moment of it. It wasn't because it didn't have me riveted by it's amazing plot, outstanding world building and unparalleled characters. It was quite simply that I wasn't ready, and indeed am still not ready to let go of this world and say goodbye to Kesh, Sota, Kellee, Talon, Sirius and even Eledan. The conclusion to what has been an epic tale was full of action, adventure, tragedy, manipulation and surprises.

I wanted to cry in her {Hulia's} arms, but I somehow pushed the swell of emotion down. - Kesh

Well Kesh, at that point you did better than me because I spent a good half of this book either finding a quiet corner to sob in or with tears streaming down my face. The emotion from each and every main character tore me apart. Again. And again. And again. I have tears welling in my eyes even now, and feel a strange mixture of both joy and sadness.

I wanted to hear his voice, one last time. I wanted to feel his touch on my face and his kiss on my lips. and I never would.

With lines like that how HOW am I meant to remain an in-charge capable adult woman? Impossible! Every single time it left me a snivelling mess. This book was everything I wanted and more. So much more. A whole universe full of stars could not shine as brightly as this story, nor would be able to bear adequate witness to do this book justice.

We could make it happen, together, just as he'd always believed. The Messenger really had made a difference.

And those guys of Kesh's, wow did they pull out all the stops in this concluding book. There was absolutely no doubt about the depth of their feelings for her. Each of them, in their own way, worships the very ground she walks on, loves her to the stars and back and would do anything within their power for her.

**Quotes only within spoiler**
"It's all right." His knuckles brushed my cheek, then his fingers stroked my hair, setting it right, like he needed everything to be in it's place.
Nothing was
all right. I was so tired of the pain, the endless battle.
His lips brushed my forehead. "He took what he thought was most precious to me..." Talen's warm fingers captured my chin, his gaze fierce. "He was wrong."

"Where's your star, Kellee?"
"Right here, in my arms."
The words broke me open, exposing everything I was and had been.

"Will you love me?" I whispered. "Not the names or the myths and legends, just me? Just Kesh?"
His dark lashes shuttered his eyes, and for a terrible second, I thought his fear had a hold of him again. Then he opened his eyes, and the man was there, his beautiful gaze soft once more.

I mean, talk about *swoon*. But then we had the reminders that all these men were immortal whilst Kesh, with a piece of the Pole Star inside her, was very much mortal. A fact that came very close to breaking those men on more than one occasion.

**more quotes
I needed that for us all, needed a moment with each of them before the moments were all gone.

These impossible males would not be mine forever, but while I had them captured in my mortal hands, I'd love them wholly and completely. No matter what happened after, we would have lived and loved. It would be enough. It had to be enough.

I rarely felt the passage of time so keenly as when I was with her. Everything in me ached to pull her back, to capture her light and savor it before she burned out.

Thankfully there were some wonderful moments of banter and humour to lift the spirits. These usually involved Sota and Kellee, though it wasn't exclusively their gig. And they just served to make the poignant moments even more touching.

**Even more quotes within spoiler
"Hulia has a tail," I added.
He tripped and caught himself.
"I haven't seen it, but she's intimated a few times."
His eyes widened. "I need to see it. Do you think she can open jars with it?"
I laughed.
His expression switched toward curiosity, then he twisted to catch sight of his own ass, circling on the spot. "Do you think I could get one?"
"Aren't you content with ten fingers?"

"If that stick were any farther up his ass, he'd be scaring crows," Sota muttered, sauntering past us.

"You're going to need a bodyguard who can kick fae and human ass with style and without prejudice."
"That role's taken, Sparky." Kellee stretched his claws.
style, vakaru. You look like someone's rabid hound."

Kellee rolled his eyes. "I liked Sota better when he was a murder ball."

His gun ports smoked. His tek eye glowed, but his mouth wore a modest smile.
"He was about to launch into a villainous monologue and ain't nobody got time for that."

Now whilst I've fallen in love with all the main characters, even going so far as to have a soft spot for the much misunderstood (IMO) Eledan, my favourite has always been Marshall Kellee. It's just something about his wild west lawman ways and his dark good looks.

"Oh really?" he drawled in that smooth voice he liked to unleash on unsuspecting females.

Yep, that's the guy I'm talking about. The one who only needs to quirk an eyebrow to have the panties of all females in a 20 mile radius melting. Not just the females either! We really got to see all the true depths and many facets of Kellee in Her Dark Legion.

**Still more quotes hidden
For the first time since I'd met him, his expression was open and raw, letting me see everything on his face.
Marshall Kellee was afraid.
For Me.

"What if they need our help?" I straightened up to him. He lifted his chin.
He was stubborn enough to argue with me but then, he'd learned that from Kellee.

The weight behind the blow was enough to topple him. His head struck the banister on the way down, knocking him out cold. Now we had ourselves cargo that didn't argue.
"That was unnecessary," Talen remarked.
"Probably," I cracked my knuckles. "But it felt real good."

Throughout all the trials and tribulations, intrigue, schemes and manipulations, Kesh continued to battle her way towards the final showdown. Weighed down with the expectations of Fairie herself, the hopes of the saru, the fears of her males, Kesh fought with everything she had. Gave everything she had, prepared to sacrifice everything for those she loved.

Outside, rain pattered on leaves, stirring up the garden's sweet scent and Talen's magic. He crushed me close and kissed me like he could save me. If love could save lives, ours would. Just not my life.

I climbed the steps onto the deck and planted myself between Kellee's simmering presence and Talen's icy stillness. We watched the fleet and the stars behind, and I wished I had more time with them, just to stand and watch and be in the moment.

Wrapping him in my arms, I held him close and listened to the beat of his immortal fae-heart, to the rhythm of his breathing, committing his soft hardness to memory. Maybe he'd listen to my heart, and hear my breathing, and he'd remember me. Perhaps, in his memories, I could live forever.

Events had led us right here, either by fate or by Eledan. Harlow's fall, Arcon's rise, the Game of Lies, Hapters's dark fae, and Valand's dead... Whatever the source, there was no escaping what would come next.

I've used far too many quotes and I just don't care. I could have chosen a hundred more. There are just so many lines that punched me in the gut and tore my insides apart. These are ones that I just couldn't leave out.

**Final lot of hidden quotes
I told myself I wouldn't cry.
And I'd failed within seconds.
This was what he'd wanted. He'd chosen this. I would respect that. I didn't own him. I didn't own any of them. They'd always been free to follow me, but Talen .... I'd loved his honest, gentle heart and kind words.
He'd encouraged me when I was low. He'd loved me when I thought I wasn't worthy. He'd never hurt me and never would. Talen was a better person than any of us.

..his destiny, one I wasn't part of , called to him. He turned away, and with every step, my heart stuttered. I wanted to call him back. When he paused, I grasped at the idea that he wouldn't leave, as wrong as it was. He turned, tarnished gold star in hand. He looked at that star, emotion passing over his face, and then he stepped up and pinned it to my coat. Meeting my gaze, he nodded once, assured he'd done the right thing, and then he left.

The next words she muttered almost too softly to hear. "I can't lose him as well."
After she'd left, Sirius and Sota lingered with me in the quiet, their thoughts likely along the same lines as mine. There wasn't enough time left to love her how we wanted.

His arm looped around my back and pulled me in so there was nothing between us. His warmth enveloped me. There was no safer place in all four realms.

Kellee's thigh was stone beneath my grip. He would never admit to fear, but I knew my vakaru.

I was so many things to so many people, and this war needed me to be those things to end it. You must survive yourself to unlock your truth.

And to finish, a quote that sums up the current state of my heart.

I almost couldn't speak, and when I did, the words were just a whisper.
"It felt like goodbye."