A review by emsemsems
The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac


DNF. I wanted to like this so badly because it's one of those 'hip' books that fifteen year old me would have loved reading. Unfortunately, I've passed that hopeful, wild, don't-give-a-fuck age - and the me now - am very sure that alcoholic Zen 'Eat, Pray, Love' does not appeal to me at all.

I was very generous with my attempt to read this. I gave it a few tries, and I even tried listening to the audiobook but it put me to sleep like a tranquilliser shot each time I tried reading it. As an insomniac, I will probably keep the audiobook - and put it on whenever insomnia hits hard.

The writing is not awful, but I'm just not that into the content. Very preachy and dull, like an accidental date with a very 'hip' dude who smells a bit funky, and keeps a pet ex-battery chicken called 'Namaste'. You know exactly what I mean. The difference is that, those dudes always share their funky cigarettes. A consolation prize for what it's worth. But with Kerouac, I'm getting nothing. Nothing.