A review by book_whispers
Runaways vol. 9: Dead Wrong by Terry Moore, Humberto Ramos


It ticks me off when a good series suddenly changes things up. Sadly this volume not only changes up the art style, but it takes all the character development and stomps on it, and basically flips readers the bird. Chase is basically back to being an idiot jock. Even more brainless then when he first came into the series, and really mouthy. Talk about slapping Gert fans in the face.

Overall the plot bored me. The resolution was sad and broke up the best thing about Runaways. Who knows if it will be revisited.

Now about the art style. Don't get me wrong it's nice and I've enjoyed other comics and things that use it. However, with the change many characters no longer look like themselves and the style is juvenile. Yes, I get this is a comic about juveniles. But that doesn't mean everything suddenly has to be child out. Runaways best feature was that despite it being about kids it brings in adult themes about right and wrong, death, and more. The old art style reflected that. It was beautiful and brought a gritty realism to the comics.

The art style isn't my only gripe. The story was jumpy and didn't flow well in many spots. The art style is so jumbled up that some of the fighting scenes--heck even none fighting--seemed garbled and hard to follow. This is series 3/vol 3 and at this point I'll only be following just to see how things wrap up. To be honest if I would have known the series spiraled out this bad I probably would have never continued.

I fear for further entries to this once brilliant series.