A review by altruisticlatte
Damned by Chuck Palahniuk


I truly enjoyed this novel. I'm a huge Palahniuk fan. I've read six of his other novels and I'd say that if you wanted an introductory novel for how sick, twisted, and bizarre Palahniuk's writing can be, Damned and Lullaby are good books to start with.

I loved this story because it was so much fun to read. It is hilarious from start to finish with both simple and smart humor throughout the story. I adore Palahniuk's version of hell and what one should expect if ever damned for eternity. I felt like I could really tell Palahniuk had fun writing this one.

The characters were precious. I adored Madison from the start. Her background and personality were priceless. I never thought that a novel aimed at an adult audience, told from the perspective of a 13 year old girl, could be so well executed. I love that by the middle of the novel I thought I knew the characters, their backgrounds, their personalities, and how they fit into the little clique they formed while in hell but, by the end, I learned so much more about them that brought their entire personalities fully into the light.