A review by whatcha_listening_to
Breaking Away by Toni Aleo


Ok so I have audio-booked em all (the series) and this was my least favourite. I think because I just didn't like Reese. I totally got the story and why she was the way she was and he was the way he was. And I loved the interaction with Claire from both of them but for me I think Reese just killed the book for me. Now this could all change if I decide to re listen like it did for Blue lines. How I didn't like Erik but then re listening I liked him. Heck I spend enough on the Audio versions it’s a given I will re listen so yeah I guess for me Reese gave me mixed messages about the book but I did enjoy it too. I know confusing but if you have read the rest of the series you will like this book regardless if it was your favorite or not because we got to see everyone again in it and that makes up for Reese in my opinion lol. Now I want to see Claire get a book with the Rookie yummy sounds like that would be interesting. Like a few years from this one. Cross my fingers. :)