A review by zade
Outsmarting the Sociopath Next Door: How to Protect Yourself Against a Ruthless Manipulator by Martha Stout


Don't let the title fool you. This book will do very little to help you cope with whatever sociopaths you may encounter. The sum of Stout's advice is "don't give them a reaction to their tactics, report them to higher-ups where feasible, and get out if you can." If you're looking for practical advice, there are many better books.

That said, there's some valuable stuff here, particularly in the chapter on distinguishing a narcissist from a sociopath. Since the two disorders share many traits, the material here is interesting, but does not particularly help readers with strategies to cope with either flavour of destructive pathology.

The final chapter in particular is out of place. Certainly, Stout is wise to advise against nurturing hatred or revenge fantasies, and yes, our ability to love and empathize with others is terribly valuable, but this extended paean to love triumphing over evil seems tone-deaf in a book purporting to provide practical help to people whose lives are being destroyed.

Stout's first book in this series, The Sociopath Next Door, was pretty darned good. This one feels like she wanted to ride the wave a little longer, but didn't have anything pressing to add.